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Event Calendar 2025

Our parish has always had a very active event calendar, from spiritual to social outings and events, fundraising and community activities. Please see below for details.


Beginning Tuesday 11th March, 7pm

Come and watch the amazing series weekly through Lent.  All welcome


First Holy Communion Meeting

Saturday 1st March, 10am

All parents whose children who will be making their First Confession and

Holy Communion this year are invited to this meeting to discuss the lessons/dates - Enrollment Mass Sunday 9th March, 11am


Afternoon Tea and chat

Wednesday 19th Feb, 3pm

All welcome to the church hall for afternoon tea to discuss the recent Synod


Broseley Pantomine
Sat 1st Feb, Matinee

Join us for the fun of the BROADS and see Beauty and the Beast. A great fmaily day out organised by the Pastoral Group. Please put your name on the list at church.
Kids free, adults donation of £6

Parish Christmas Meal & Entertainment
Thursday 5th December
The PunchBowl Inn
Tickets available now: £25ph

Christmas Fayre
Saturday 29th November 1pm
Church Hall
Annual Fundraising and social event. Please support in whatever way you can. Donations of bottles/tombola prizes, cakes and bric a brac needed.
Come along!

"The Dockers" and Fish and Chips Supper
Friday 25th October, 7-11pm
£10 per ticket. Bring your own drink. 
An evening of classic hits with Bridgnorth Legends The Dockers. Fish and Chip Supper included

Family Afternoon Tea with Entertainer Jack Dent

Sunday 8th September 4pm
Fun for all the family. Our favourite entertainer is back.
All welcome. £5 per adult, children free.
Tickets on sale at church 

Shrewsbury Diocese Lourdes Pilgrimage
Friday 26th July - Thursday 1st August
Bridgnorth once again has a large group joining the diocese

Friday Thursday 11th July 630pm
Father Iain's 25th Anniversary
Mass followed by Buffet in the church hall. All welcome

Saturday 13th April, 730pm -

Barn Dance with the Odd Socks Ceildh Band
       Come along for an evening of Dance and laughter. Church Hall, Tickets £5 -children Free. Bring your own drinks!
Passover Meal

Thursday 21st March 630pm for 7pm start
Please add your name to the list in church
Lentern Mass and Lunch:
Friday 12 noon during Lent

Please see newsletter for dates and add your name to the list at church.

Saturday 27th January

Cindrella Pantomine at Broseley. 
 Promises to be an afternoon of belly laughter. Please let the Pastoral Committee know if you would lito attend

Thursday 14th December - Parish Christmas Meal -Punchbowl Inn.

£20pp 3 courses and live entertainment

Saturday 25th November - 1pm

Please support this parish event. A great afternoon for all the family.

Fish and Chip Supper with entertainment from the Twiddlers Ukelele band
A superb social evening on Friday 27th October, 7pm till late, in the Church Hall
£10 per person.  Bring your own drink (glasses provided) 

MacMilllan Coffee Morning hosted by the Knit and Natter Group
Tuesday 3rd October, 10 - 12 in the hall. Bring and buy sale, please support this great cause

Pastoral Team Quiz Thursday 21st September
Church Hall £4pp to include tea/coffee.

Come along in a team or find a team when you arrive. Bring own drinks and nibbles. It will be a great evening!

Lourdes Pilgrimage with Shrewsbury Diocese
28th July - 3rd August
St John's is the largest Parish group going with our Diocese this year. Any prayer intentions please leave at the back of church or with Bridget

Parish visit to Harvington Hall
Wednesday 21st June, 1030am. £10pp.

30 spaces available, a list to put name on is in church.

First Holy Communion Mass
Saturday 10th June 1030am. 

A special Mass for the children who will be making their First Holy Communion.
Followed by a celebration in the Hall.

Coronation Celebration -

Monday 8th May. 
Mass at 12 Noon followed by afternoon tea in the hall. All welcome.

Bridgnorth Walk -

Monday 1st May.
Altar Server Jacob is walking the 22 miles for the Lourdes Fund, if you would like to support/sponsor him a form is available in church.

Passover Meal

Wednesday 29th March, 7pm
Always a popular event, and with limited numbers, please write your name down as soon as possible.

Parish meeting with the Dean
Wednesday 22nd March 7pm Church hall
. All welcome.

Sunday 26th February
Parent's meeting after 11am Mass for thse with children aged 7 or over who would like to make their First Holy Communion this year (Saturday 10th June)

Wednesdays during Lent
Stations of the Cross after Midday Mass
Fridays during Lent

Soup lunch after Middlay Mass (please write name on list in church)

First Friday Mass and Meal 
12noon, 10th February. Please write your name down on the list at church.

Dick Whittington Pantomine
Saturday 28th January, 2pm.  The Pastoral Committee have arranged a trip to the Broseley Panto. Children free, Adults a £5 contribution. Please write name on list in church.

Parish Christmas Meal at The Down Inn.
Thursday 15th December, 7pm. Two course carvery £16.95 pp.

Tickets on sale after weekend Masses, from November.

!!!Christmas Fayre !!!
Saturday 26th November, 1pm

After a 3 year absence, the Fayre will return. Any offers of help are greatly appreciated. Stalls include: cake/raffle/books/bric-a-brac. Father Christmas will visit too. Please support this important event in any way you can. Thankyou

Parish Meeting
Wednesday 2nd November, 7pm. Church Hall.

Father Iain invites all parishioners to the meeting to discuss a Parish Council.

All welcome, please come along.

First Friday Mass and lunch
4th November 

First Friday Mass at noon, followed by lunch in the hall. Please add your name to the list at the back of church.

Dandy Comedy Duo
Friday 14th October, 7pm. 

The funniest thing on four legs is back. Join us for a superb night of comdey with the woonderful Black Country husband and wife duo. Tickets £10 each, a few remaining!  Includes a fish and chip supper. *ALL TICKETS SOLD OUT*

Visit of the relics of St.Bernadette to Shrewsbury Cathedral.

Tuesday 13th September.

The national tour of St Bernadette's relics arrives at our diocesean Cathedral.  Public viewing is frm 2:30pm, booking advised. Website.

Parish Quiz
Thursday 15th September, 7pm 
Parish Quiz in the hall . £5 per person, tickets available after weekend Masses. Tea/cake during interval. Come along for an evening of fun by the Pastoral Team.

Feel free to bring own drinks/nibbles. Teams of 4- 6 (can be made on arrival if needed)

Visit to Upton Cressett

Thursday 1st September,

£20pp includes Tea/scones. Enjoy a tour of the historical home of Upton Cressett where our fellow Parishioner Sir Bill Cash MP took on the derelict property in the 70's to renovate along with his family.

Lourdes Pilgrimage
29th July, The Diocsean Pilgramage to Lourdes returns in 2022, please see Bridget or the diocese website at for further information

First Friday Mass and lunch
First Friday Mass at noon, followed by lunch in the hall begins again on 1st July. Please add your name to the list at the back of church.

Parish Family Tea Party
Sunday 26th June, 4-6pm, Adults £4, children Free.
Join us and magician Jack Dent for an afternoon of entertainment for all the family. Afternon tea will be provided. Tickets available.

Children's Liturgy
Sunday 11am Mass -

The children go into the hall for the first part of Mass to say prayers, hear the Gospel and learn in an engaging way about the Faith. They return to church during the offertry hymn. 

Knit and Natter
Tuesdays 10am in the hall.

All welcome - whether to knit, natter or both. Refreshments available

Parish Priest: Father Iain Griffiths

St John's RC Church, Northgate, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4ER   |  Tel: 01746 762348

©2023 by ST JOHN'S CHURCH.                        

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